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alias_file on IMAP server?

Hello Mutt users,

I've only just subscribed after searching the archives for an 
answer, but I can't seem to find anything. If this has been discussed 
before, a pointer to old threads in the mail archive is very welcome.

- Is it possible to store Mutt's addressbook (alias_file) on a remote 
  IMAP server? Google tells me that Pine can apparently do this, but sofar I 
  haven't found out how to do it in Mutt. If this is not possible, how 
  do people synchronize their aliases in 3 different places? I'd like to 
  prevent having to ssh to a remote machine to mail from there, as that 
  was my reason to set up IMAP in the first place.

I have one other question regarding Mutt and Courier IMAP which may be 
better suited for the courier or debian mailing lists: 

- What is the suggested authentication method for imap-ssl (courier) and 
  mutt? I do not like storing my password in my muttrc at work as I am 
  not the only person who knows the root password. I have read some 
  documentation on Courier but don't quite understand the different 
  options. Which authentication protocols do not require typing a 
  password? Can I use ssh keys or something similar?

Any advice appreciated.

        Hein Zelle