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Mutt strating up.


I am working on strating up Mutt here. I got some setup from a friend of mine:
Mutt is started up like this:

mutt -F ~/.mutt/muttrc

ls -al /home/erikja/.mutt
total 136
drwxr-xr-x   2 erikja users   632 2005-04-03 09:03 .
drwxr-xr-x  61 erikja users  3328 2005-04-07 08:22 ..
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users  4726 2004-02-07 14:04 gpg.rc
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users 19272 2005-01-30 16:59 mailcap
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users  5275 2002-04-30 18:01 mime.types
-rw-r--r--   1 erikja users    56 2005-04-03 09:05 mutt-aliases
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users  5534 2004-01-24 13:58 mutt-boolean
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users  2537 2002-07-28 01:15 mutt-colours
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users  5225 2003-04-24 21:38 mutt-format
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users  9800 2005-04-03 11:56 mutt-hooks
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users  4090 2002-05-20 17:20 mutt-in+out
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users   914 2002-07-28 22:06 mutt-integer
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users 10301 2003-10-16 10:53 mutt-keybind
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users  4769 2005-04-05 07:34 mutt-mailhandle
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users   609 2003-05-24 12:19 mutt-my_hdr
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users  2066 2004-12-27 16:41 mutt-paths
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users   975 2004-08-08 00:16 mutt-quad
-rwxr-----   1 erikja users  1415 2005-04-03 08:04 muttrc
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users   982 2004-09-05 15:50 mutt-regexp
-rw-r-----   1 erikja users  1485 2005-04-03 11:34 mutt-strings
-rwxr-----   1 erikja users  5819 2002-07-17 23:20 octet-filter

When I start up I receive this:

q:Quit  d:Del  u:Undel  s:Save  m:Mail  r:Reply  G:Group  ?:Help
No mailbox is open.

If I made a mail, its sent, but I'm not sure to where.

Here is my mutt-path:
# Paths:
# ("unset" implies the compile time defaults)

#reset dotlock_program  # where to find mutt_dotlock (reset uses default)
set display_filter=""   # pipe message through this filter before displaying
#set editor="exec gnuclient +\`awk '/^$/ {print NR+1; exit}' %s\` %s"
                       # start 1 line after first empty line
#set editor="emacsclient +8 %s" # start editor in line 8
#set editor="exec joe -rmargin 72 -wordwrap +\`awk '/^$/ {print NR; exit}' %s\` %s"
set editor='vim -c "set tw=68" +14'
#set editor=
set folder="~/Maildir"     # where are the mailboxes (+ and = are shortcuts)
set from=""             # From: address (see send-hook my_hdr From)
reset ispell            # ispell binary (compile time default)
set mbox=+inbox         # not used if "set move=no"
set pager=builtin       # internal pager: "builtin" or e.g. "less -e"
#set pager="less -e"
set postponed="~/Maildir/Postponed"        # folder for postponed messages
#set print_command="sed s/\f// | a2ps -kmail -ns -HMail -Ploki"
                       # print using a2ps to printer loki (strip FormFeed)
#set print_command=lpr                  # simple print command
#set print_command=prmail               # print using tricky script prmail
set print_command="a2ps -gEmail" # print using a2ps to default printer
#set print_command="muttprint"
#set print_command="a2psmail" # print using a2ps to default printer
#set query_command="lbdbq %s"   # query tlr's little brothers database.
set record='~/Maildir/Copyself' # Don't save a copy of outgoing messages (Fcc)
reset sendmail          # Default-Sendmail with options ("-oem -oi")
reset shell             # Take shell from /etc/passwd
#set signature='~/.maisig'      # Signature (See send-hook!)
#reset spoolfile        # Default spool-file (e.g. /var/spool/mail/user)
#set spoolfile='/var/spool/mail/erikja'    # where my new mail is located
set spoolfile='~/Maildir'
set tmpdir='~/tmp'              # tmp-Dir (use compile time default)
#reset visual           # use $VISUAL as builtin editor.

Here my mutt-mailhandle:

# Sorting of the mails:
# (date-received, date-sent, from, mailbox-order, size, subject, threads,
#  to, score) (and everything with a prefixed "reverse-")
# (sort_aux can be prefixed with "last-" to use last element in thread
#  instead of first one)

set sort=threads        # sorting the mails in threads
set sort_aux=date-sent  # sorting the threads

# Sorting in File-Browser:
# (date, alpha, reverse-date, reverse-alpha)

set sort_browser=date

# Sorting of aliases:
# (alias, address, unsorted)

set sort_alias=alias

# Magic (mailbox type):
# allowed values: mbox, MMDF, MH, Maildir

set mbox_type=Maildir
#set mbox_type=mbox

# Delivery Status Notification (DSN)
# (this may cause problems with some MTAs, so comment it out, if necessary)

#set dsn_notify="failure,delay"
#set dsn_return="hdrs"

# score <pattern> <value>
# unscore <pattern>
# (pattern is something like '~A' (all), '~f aol\.com$', '~s mutt' ...)
# (value is between -9999 and 9999. A prefix '=' sets otherwise incr/decr)
unscore *

unset score                     # turn off scoring
set score_threshold_delete=-1   # mark messages with score <=value deleted
set score_threshold_flag=9999   # mark messages with score >=value flagged
set score_threshold_read=-1     # mark messages with score <=value read

# Show or suppress headers:

#ignore lines precedence status
#ignore nntp-posting-host path old-return-path received >received references
#ignore content- errors-to in-reply-to mime-version
#ignore resent-message-id return-path xref path
#ignore x-keywords x-uid x-ftn-via x-ftn-domain x-ftn-seen-by x-ftn-path
#ignore x-gateway x-loop x-sender x-priority
#ignore mbox-line x-pop3-rcpt x-mailing-list x400- dl-expansion-history
#ignore priority alternate-recipient x-zc-via
#ignore x-received x-envelope-sender x-return-path x-authentication-warning
#ignore resent-message-id resent-sender resent-date resent-cc
#ignore x-envelope-from x-envelope-to x-delivery-time
#ignore x-egroups-return list-unsubscribe list-archive list-help
#ignore from
ignore *
unignore From: Subject: To: Cc: Mail-followup-to: Date: X-mailer: User-Agent: Organization:

# MIME-Types which should be automatically displayed. If a copiousoutput
# exists, use it and display it in internal pager.
# (if $implicit_autoview is set, this is automated for MIME types where
#  an entry with copiousoutput exists in the mailcap)

#auto_view text/richtext text/x-sgml text/x-sh \
#       text/x-csrc text/tex text/-xtex text/english \
#       application/x-tex application/x-dvi \
#       application/x-gzip-dvi application/x-diff-gzip application/x-gzip \
#       application/x-gunzip application/x-bzip2 \
#       application/x-cpio application/x-gtar \
# application/x-tar application/x-tar-gz application/x-rar-compressed \
#       application/x-zip-compressed application/zip application/x-csh \
#       application/x-sh application/x-script application/x-shellscript \
#       application/x-latex application/x-tex application/x-shar \
#       application/x-troff application/x-troff-man application/x-troff-me \
#       application/x-pgp-message  application/pgp-signature \
#       application/x-tcl application/x-perl \
#       application/x-debian-package message/partial

auto_view text/english text/enriched text/richtext application/x-pgp-message \
         application/pgp-signature application/octet-stream

# List of MIME-Types to give a priority when reading multipart/alternative

alternative_order  text/plain text/enriched text/html

# mbox-hook pattern mailbox
# (save all "read" messages from pattern to mailbox)

# Mailinglists:
# lists       adds a mailing list to the list of known mailing lists.
# subscribe   adds a mailing list to the list of subscribed mailing lists
#                                     _and_ to the list of known lists.
# unlists     removes a mailing list from _both_ lists.
# unsubscribe removes a mailing list from the list of subscribed
unsubscribe *           # remove all old entries first

subscribe suse-security suse-ham-e leden linux postfix-users freebsd-newbies freebsd-questions\ suse-linux-e mutt-users gnupg-users linux-starter stamtafel bugtraq focus-linux

# mailboxes filename [ filename ... ]
# (check the files for new mails.  Space cycles between them)
mailboxes ! ~/Maildir/SuSE-Secure ~/Maildir/Postfix-users ~/Maildir/junkmail ~/Maildir/SuSE-E \ ~/Maildir/NLLGG-test ~/Maildir/Bugtraq ~/Maildir/LinuxFocus ~/Maildir/NLLGG-Leden \ ~/Maildir/NLLGG-Linux ~/Maildir/NLLGG-starter ~/Maildir/NLLGG-stamtafel ~/Maildir/XS4ALL-Announce \ ~/Maildir/SuSE-ham ~/Maildir/Copyself ~/Maildir/FreeBSD-Newbies ~/Maildir/FreeBSD-Questions

# hdr_order header1 header2 header3
# (order in which mutt will attempt to present headers)

unhdr_order *                   # reset header order
hdr_order Date: From: Subject: To: Cc:

My mailbox is here:

ls -al Maildir/
total 3
drwx------   3 erikja users   72 2005-04-03 09:15 .
drwxr-xr-x  61 erikja users 3328 2005-04-07 08:22 ..
drwx------   5 erikja users  120 2005-04-03 09:15 Copyself
ls -al Maildir/Copyself/
total 0
drwx------  5 erikja users 120 2005-04-03 09:15 .
drwx------  3 erikja users  72 2005-04-03 09:15 ..
drwx------  2 erikja users 240 2005-04-04 09:09 cur
drwx------  2 erikja users  48 2005-04-03 09:15 new
drwx------  2 erikja users  48 2005-04-04 09:09 tmp
ls -al Maildir/Copyself/cur/
total 16
drwx------  2 erikja users 240 2005-04-04 09:09 .
drwx------  5 erikja users 120 2005-04-03 09:15 ..
-rw-------  1 erikja users 568 2005-04-03 09:15 1112512550.8721_3.lajka3:2,S
-rw------- 1 erikja users 676 2005-04-03 12:01 1112522472.10008_3.lajka3:2,S -rw------- 1 erikja users 532 2005-04-03 12:04 1112522674.10101_3.lajka3:2,S
-rw-------  1 erikja users 539 2005-04-04 09:09 1112598563.8075_3.lajka3:2,S

What could be the problem(s), that I cnanot send nor receive mails with Mutt ?.

Erik Jakobsen