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Sending mail via gmx.de


when I want to send mail, I receive an error message from my mail provider:

REPLY UNKNOW (MAIL) 550 5.1.7 {mp025} <12345678@xxxxxxx>... User is unknown?? ??

12345678 is my mail account id and gmx.net ist the host name of my email-address.

But the provider gmx.net requires a login ONLY with that number "12345678" as the username, and NOT with 12345678@xxxxxxxx

How can I set mutt to lobin at the pop3 server with "12345678" only?

You can ´find my muttrc below.

Thank you

this is from my muttrc:

set hostname=gmx.net

set realname = "Robert Eisig"
set from = "quantumchaos666@xxxxxxx"

set spoolfile = "~/mailbox/inbox"
set folder = "~/mailbox"
set mbox = "+received"
set record = "+sent"

set pop_host = "pop.gmx.net"
set pop_user = "12345678"
set pop_pass = "mysecretpwd"

set sendmail = "builtin"
set smtp_serv = "mail.gmx.net"
set smtp_user = "12345678"
set smtp_pass = "mysecretpwd"