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Re: User input in macros

Hello Seamus,

Am 2005-03-01 17:52:58, schrieb Seamus Cawley:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering is it possible to ask the user for input when using a
> macro? i.e. to make a basic menu, or could a macro call a script that
> would return a command to be executed?

What do want to execute ?   I have scripts which are
using (X)dialog give me dialogboxes and much more...

E.g.    <F2>    Blacklists the E-Mail in the From Header of the
                current Message and move the message to the
                BLACKLIST folder.
        <F3>    If I have accidently someone blacklisted, I go
                to the BLACKLIST folder, select the wrong message
                and it will unblacklisted and formailed it to
                procmail for new filtering.
        <F4>    give me a big (X)dialog select box where I can
                select blacklisted E-Mails and un-blacklist it.

It depends on what you want to do...  The blacklist macros using
the PIPE because they must only read the contents.

But I have another macro which manipulate a message and I use
"set editor=my_killer_script" and edit the message automaticly
and put it back into mutt modified, but I can add a (X)dialog...
...or only a readline instruction.


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