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editing a message from a script

Good evening,

I have used since some weeks:

  __( '/home/michelle.konzack/.mutt/macros' )___________________________
| # Macros "generic"
| macro generic <F6> "!sa-scan\n"
| # Macros "index"
| macro index \cb   "|urlview\n"
| macro index <F2>  ":set delete=yes\n|tdblacklist 
--add\ns=.ATTENTION.Blacklist/\n\n$\n:set delete=ask-yes\n"
| macro index <F3>  "|tdblacklist --remove\n"
| macro index <F4>  "|tdblacklist --remove-dialog\n"
| macro index <F5>  ":set delete=yes\ns=.ATTENTION.salearn/\n\n$\n:set 
| # Macros "pager"
| macro pager \cb   "|urlview\n"
| macro pager <F2>  ":set delete=yes\n|tdblacklist 
--add\ns=.ATTENTION.Blacklist/\n\n$\n:set delete=ask-yes\n"
| macro pager <F3>  "|tdblacklist --remove\n"
| macro pager <F4>  "|tdblacklist --remove-dialog\n"
| macro pager <F5>  ":set delete=yes\ns=.ATTENTION.salearn/\n\n$\n:set 

and the are working fine...

Now I like to edit a message fro a script, but do not know how to do
that. It is something like:

    macro index <F6>  "|tdautoedit --option\n"
    macro pager <F6>  "|tdautoedit --option\n"

but piping does not work...
I have used:

  __( stdin )_________________
| #!/bin/bash
| TMP_FILE=`tempfile -s tdae_`
| cat /dev/stdin >$TMP_FILE
|   do_something_with_$TMPFILE
| cat $TMP_FILE

The Script is working perfectly ich called from commandline, but
not in 'mutt'.  There is something missing in 'mutt', but what ?


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

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