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Re: retrieving gpg-keys

* Robert Kowalski schrieb am 2004-11-07 um 16:29 Uhr:
> On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 12:46:33PM +0100, Jens Kubieziel wrote:
> > I want to write a encrypted mail to a person and I don't have its public
> > key in my keyring. Is there a command to ask a keyserver and download
> > the appropriate key? Manual has "pgp_getkeys_command", but its a PGP
> > only command and doesn't work with GnuPG. So far I couldn't find any
> > other.
> > 
> > Any hints appreciated
> Go to for ex. pgp.mit.edu or add this line to your ~/.gnupg/options file 
> keyserver pgp.mit.edu

I use random.sks.keyserver.penguin.de or subkeys.pgp.net as keyserver
and auto-key-retrieve is set. However it doesn't seem to work.

Jens Kubieziel                                   http://www.kubieziel.de
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