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Re: Backspace does not work

Re: Asif Iqbal in <a60f25fc04090707022ec5f3f3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> TERM=xterm-color mutt
> then my backspace does not work. 
> But if I run mutt without the TERM set to xterm-color then I cannot
> use backspace to delete character.

If it doesn't work in both cases, why are you doing that anyway?

> I am using vim 6.3 on Solaris 8 as my editor. So it seems like vim
> editor looses the backspace with xterm-color.

If it's a vim problem, ask on the vim-users list.

PS: It would help if you told us about the terminal used, ncurses/slang
version etc...

cb@xxxxxxxx | http://www.df7cb.de/