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Re: Archive of color themes

so spake Asif Iqbal [2004.08.24 @ 23:04]:
> Hi All
> Is there a cool list of links or archive where I can look for some color 
> themes?
> Thanks
here, i call this theme random... heehee.  :)
#wasting time before bed....
map { push @cols,"color$_" } (0..8);
sub rnd {return $cols[int(rand($#cols))]}
for(@objects) { print "color $_ ".&rnd.' '.&rnd; print(' "."') if /body/; print 
for(@hdrs){ print "color header ".&rnd.' '.&rnd." ^$_;";}
now a :`filename` will give you a random look.  ah...i love perl.
//  ste\/e || 0x44288D05 //

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