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Re: Simple editor that supports line wrapping

Am 2004-07-29 01:25:15, schrieb Andre Majorel:

> I'm looking for a simple editor suitable for editing mail in Mutt,
> more or less Notepad-in-an-xterm. Desirable features :

Midnight Commander => mcedit
> - run in an xterm,

No problem
> - support ISO-8859-1,

Best support

> - be modeless,

> - not let the user accidentally get into a mode that a retard
>   wouldn't know how to get out of (think hitting ^Z or Q in vi),

No problem with "mcedit"

> - wrap lines automatically to a specified width,

Can be set.

> - support the sort of bindings a Windows user might expect (arrow
>   keys, [home], [end], [shift][ins] to paste, selection by [shift]
>   + movement).

This works out of the box.
> Undesirable features :
> - macros, regexps, and generally anything beyond the scope of
>   Notepad. If she ever needs doing something complicated, I'll
>   make her start vi and hand-hold her through the process.

OK, I can call Macros/Scripts, but only via a menu.

> Neither nano nor joe seem to fit the bill. Any other ideas ?

see above 


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