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Re: Vanished Messages

Am Tue, 13 Jul 2004 schrieb Hendrik Mangels:


> The messages are deleted. Thats all.
> Mutt does not support any kind of "trash box".
> The "trash box"-concept is for wimps.

Well, maybe real men dont have trash boxes, but some of us are a little
quick with the 'd' sometimes. If you are, try this:

# d: move message to =Trash instead of delete-message.
# Do a real delete when in the Trash or the spam folder.
# Beware! Define the default action before the folder specific action
# (or you can spend quite some time to figure out why it does not work)
folder-hook . 'macro pager d "s\cu+Trash`/bin/date +%Y%m`\n" "move deleted 
message to Trash"'
folder-hook . 'macro index d "s\cu+Trash`/bin/date +%Y%m`\n" "move deleted 
message to Trash"'
folder-hook Trash.* 'macro pager d "<delete-message>" "delete message"'
folder-hook Trash.* 'macro index d "<delete-message>" "delete message"'
folder-hook spam 'macro pager d "<delete-message>" "delete message"'
folder-hook spam 'macro index d "<delete-message>" "delete message"'

Add a cronjob like this

1  21 1    *       *       /bin/rm -f $HOME/Mail/Trash && /bin/mv
$HOME/Mail/Trash$(date -d -1month +\%Y\%m) $HOME/Mail/archiv/. && gzip
$HOME/Mail/archiv/Trash$(date -d -1month +\%Y\%m) && touch
$HOME/Mail/Trash$(date +\%Y\%m) && /bin/ln -s $HOME/Mail/Trash$(date
+\%Y\%m) $HOME/Mail/Trash

(think of it as one long line)

Congratulatons! You will never loose a mail again (if you are not to
quick with the 'd' in the spam or Trash Folder, but we could figure out
something for that too...)


Programming today is a race between software engineers 
striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the
Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the 
Universe is winning.

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