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Re: Marking moved messages as read?

Niklas, et al --

...and then Niklas Morberg said...
% Thanks, it works! But it is somewhat cumbersome. Now I need to:
% read messages
% sync-mailbox
% mark which ones to move
% sync-mailbox

I'd think you'd add

  move those messages

before the last sync, even :-)

% It would have been nicer to just move messages when I'm done reading
% them without syncing first.

Yes, it would, but the problem lies in the IMAP interaction.  I saw the
other post where "saving flags manually" is considered a bug, and I can
imagine that a more desirable circumstance would indeed exist, but the
thing is that mutt actually is very well-behaved and doesn't report back
to the imap server when you change a message flag because you might not
want such a change sent up.  Think of it as a feature :-)

You could write a macro which syncs and does a tag-save and then syncs
again, if you wanted; then all you'd have to do would be

  read a bunch
  mark a bunch
  execute macro

and they'd be moved and flushed for you.

% Also, sent messages stored in my $record are unread. I would like to
% have them marked read instead. Is this possible?

Same theory; it's new as far as the imap server is concerned.  You could,
as one example, write a folder-hook which tags all, clears the new flag,
syncs, and then untags if it really matters to you.

% Niklas


David T-G
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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