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Re: Too many mailer daemon notices

* On 2004.07.07, in <20040707163432.GJ32266@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
*       "Ben Damm" <bdamm-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>   What I'd like to do is make a list of everyone I send mail to, then
> have procmail drop the mailer daemon notices that contain no relevant
> email address.  I was looking in the mutt manual for a way to process
> mail just before it is sent so I could make such a list, but no solution
> jumped out at me.  

The trick with such problems is to set $sendmail to a filter that
subsequently invokes sendmail (or whatever). For example:

set sendmail=/path/to/filter

Attached is a filter that does something simmilar to what you want.

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx                                  NSIT::ENSS
        No money,  no book.  No book,  no study.  No study, no pass.
        No pass, no graduate. No graduate, no job. No job, no money.
             T h e   U n i v e r s i t y   o f   C h i c a g o
#!/usr/bin/env perl

## Customize
$real_sendmail = "/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -oem";
$addrsfile = $ENV{HOME} . "/.addrs";

## Find separation between DSN options and dst addresses
($index) = grep {$ARGV[$_] eq "--";} (0 .. $#ARGV);

## Separate options and addrs
@opts = splice(@ARGV, 0, $index);
@addrs = splice(@ARGV, 1);

## Invoke sendmail, copying input to pipe. Save status.
$cmd = join(" ", $real_sendmail, @opts, "--", @addrs);
if (open(SENDMAIL, "| $cmd")) {
        print SENDMAIL <STDIN>;
        $rc = $?;
else {
        $rc = 1;

## Write addrs to save file
open(ADDRS, ">>$addrsfile");
map { print ADDRS "$_\n"; } @addrs;

## -