Re: Too many mailer daemon notices
On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 09:34:33AM -0700, Ben Damm wrote:
Lately I've been deluged by email from mailer daemons. I understand
that some of this is a new worm, but much of it is backscatter from
spammers using my domain in forged emails.
This is not really a mutt topic. I find that this type of message
usually contains a dubious attachment. I usually filter using them. From
my procmailrc file:
#dump viruses. list these rules first
* name=".*\.(pif|scr|exe|com|bat)
Neil Watson | Gentoo Linux
Network Administrator | Uptime 36 days | 2.6.5 AMD Athlon(tm) MP 2000+ x 2