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Hooks and Defaults

I'm wondering how to have defaults followed after certain hooks have
been called.

For example, I have a new send hook that goes,
send-hook list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "set record=/dev/null"

It works fine, but I suspect there's a better way of doing that, as
the '/dev/null' value for record persists after I send a note to that
recipient, despite record having a default value.

Another example:
folder-hook =sent        set sort=date

Again, it works, but it hangs on after I visit my sent box and then
move to any other, where I prefer thread-sorting.  It overrides
'set sort=threads' in my general muttrc.

How can I correct these problems?

Dave Edwards <dleSympaticoCa>
Freelance and Technical Writer,
With Special Interest in Open Source Software

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