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Re: Distinguishing spam [was: Editing headers of saved messages]

On 2004-06-26, bdamm-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> This brings me to another topic.  I've been using X-Label to add some
> visual info to emails.  Email that is possibly spam gets labeled with
> "--", and definite non-spam gets ":)".  This is then displayed in the
> index, so I can instantly see what might need my attention, and what can
> wait.
> I'd like to use X-Label for other purposes, like the labeling being
> discussed.  So what are folks doing to distinguish spam?

I use a program similar to procmail to filter incoming mail.  Mail
that is definitely spam is sent to a spam folder.  Mail that is
definitely not spam is sent to my inbox.  Any mail that the filter
cannot identify one way or the other has the header "X-Spam-Maybe:"
added to it and is then sent to me inbox.  I use a distinctive color
in mutt's index view to highlight mail that has the "X-Spam-Maybe:"


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   | Wireless Division
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ | Spokane, Washington, USA