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Re: toggle button

On Tue, May 04, 2004 at 05:56:08PM +0300, Laas Toom wrote:
> I was thinking whether it is possible to implement the
> following with mutt's macros:
>       if (sort == 'threads') then set sort = 'date'
>       else set sort='threads
> That is get a single button to act different based on the
> current value of the sort variable (or any other variable).
> I want this, because in some folders i need the date-order,
> but otherwise i prefer threaded view. So for now i just type
> in :set sort=<date|threads> when i need to switch, but i would
> like to make it more comfortable.

I just found your question in my last month's archive of the list,
therefore I'm late in answering :-)

Three is no 'real' way to do what you want, because
you can not 'really' make macros depend on values of
a variable (as far as I know).

BUT you *can* write a 'toggle' (or a 'loop' with many values)
by letting each macro-call redefine the key ti the next call
(with two this toggles, but there is no real limit :-)

E.g. I did a toggle between English and German 'ispell'
in the compose screen because I run mutt *permanently* but
reply in both languages (and have the same high rate of
typos in both :-):
-------------- piece of .muttrc ------------------------
# 'toggler' in 'compose' for ispell dictionaries
# Output of the current 'setting' by "set ?<variable>"
# 'Actions'
macro compose _AX0 ":set ?ispell^M"
macro compose _AX1 ":set ispell=\042ispell -d american\042^M"
macro compose _AX2 ":set ispell=\042ispell -d ngerman\042^M"
# 'Rotators'
macro compose _A00 ":macro compose \\260 \042:push 
macro compose _A01 ":macro compose \\260 \042:push 
# Default setting:
set ispell="ispell -d ngerman"
# startup ° rotating _A*
macro compose \260 ":push '_A00'^M"  "switch ispell language"

First thing to know is, that I begin all the 'convoluted'
macros with an '_' underscore, and make them four chars long,
so I never hit them by accident.

The \260 is the little circle (degree '°'), which is above '^'
on my German Microsoft-Natural Keyboard.
To include a Doublequota in the Text of the macro I use \042.
And to include such a 'Definition by octal number' into the
Macro I have to double the Backslash.

To show the actual setting I 'appended' the extra macro '_AX0'

I already did the same thing for my 'index_format'
(about 10 different values) and a group of 12 'rotating' limits.

But those would need *very* long explanations to understand the
actual code-lines and are just logical extensions of the same idea.

The only extra idea was to create the 'default Action-Macro number _XX1'
by a folder hook, so the 'ring' of index-views can depend on the
actual folder mutt sees.

Hope that shows, what is possible with mutt, which has
no real 'programming' but ordinary textual macros.

Yours   Stucki

Christoph von Stuckrad     * * |nickname |<stucki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>\
Freie Universitaet Berlin  |/_*|'stucki' |Tel(days):+49 30 838-75 459|
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