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Re: Faster working with messages


At  7:16 AM PDT on June 11 Jens Paulus sent off:
> Giving commands a count should be supported, so that
> 4CTRL-d deletes four threads.

> Here is an incomplete list of how I imagine it could be.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> N         number entered before the command
> {select}  either a MOTION or PATTERN
> MOTION    messages being moved over with a motion command
> PATTERN   a message pattern
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Note: 1 = motion command
> Command            Note Action
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> {number}%            1  go to N percentage in the mailbox


<digit> starts a "jump to message #" command.  Maybe if it was prefixed by

(I removed the mutt-dev cc.  Are there devs who don't read this list?)

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