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Re: Starting to run Mutt

* Larry Alkoff <labradley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [06-11-04 11:46]:
> On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 10:36:04 -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> I'm very sorry.  I had always thought that people who put their own To:
> addresses on list email had a reason for doing so and have gotten into
> the habit of "reply to all".  I'll google and try to find definative
> guidance on what to do.
> Already I see a problem.  For this message, I simply hit "reply"
> instead of "reply to all" and _your_ email address was selected by
> either my mailer or the mailing list software.  I've seen that problem
> discussed.
> So maybe the thing to do is "reply to all" and then delete whatever is
> appropriate.

I see that Mr. Livingood has alread explained 'L' <list-reply> will
reply *only* to the list address, providing that you have told mutt
via .muttrc what *is* a list.

> >> But all the other messages seem to be stuck in /var/spool/mail.
> >
> >*What* messages.  Messages delivered prior to setting rules in
> >procmail?
> I'm only concerned with where the new messages are going. So I have
> been sending a series of messages with subjects like "test4" or
> "hello4" to see where they go.  Then I tail ~/Procmail/pmlog.

Ok, the messages that were left in the *spool* file,
/var/spool/mail/lba, were probably left from *before* you defined
rules or did not match one of the rules for procmail.

> >default mail is delivered to DEFAULT
> >default mail is that which is *not* directed otherwise by a procmail rule
> OK thanks.  That fixed my problem.
> For the moment I have DEFAULT set to ~/Mail/Inbox. I also let procmail
> setup the mailbox which it did with new, cur and tmp subdirectories.
> The only problem is in Mutt I always have to c to ~/Mail/Inbox/new.

in .muttrc, do you have spoolfile set to ???

> >no, you have [not|mis] read the quick-start tutorial.  Procmail
> >delivers the mail based on your procmail rules.  It does not *move* it.
> It looks to me like procmail completely bypasses "Your default mailbox:
> /var/spool/mail/lba" when mail is caught by a filter or falls through
> to the DEFAULT.

procmail delivers mail to the folder you have designated based on the
rules you wrote.  The mail goes to a folder based on the result of the
rule/s or goes to DEFAULT.  IF, /var/spool/mail/lba is *not* DEFAULT
and not selected via a rule, it will get *no* mail.

You are hung-up here looking for something that is *not*.  Procmail get
the mail *first* and then *delivers* it to folders.  

If /var/spool/mail/lba is one of those folders, it will get mail.  If
not, it will *not*.

> Mail with subject: test sent before I started procmail of course still
> exists in /var/spool/mail/lba although it looks like Mutt wants to move
> it.

Mutt does not move mail.  Mutt obeys your instructions.  If you have 
    set move
    set move=ask-yes
in .muttrc, mutt will ask (or not, .muttrc) if you want to move 'read'
mail to where-ever you designate in .muttrc, from TFM (mutt 1.5.6i):

  6.3.112.  move
  Type: quadoption
  Default: ask-no
  Controls whether you will be asked to confirm moving read messages
  from your spool mailbox to your ``$mbox'''' mailbox, or as a result
  of a ``mbox-hook'''' command.

rocmail delivers mail
mutt reads/composes mail
*Larry* moves mail

> >> How can I (and _should_ I) change /var/spool/mail/lba to something else?
> > 
> >reconsider this question
> I understand now that procmail bypasses /var/spool/mail/lba when it
> knows where to place the mail.

Reconsider this statement.  Procmail delivers mail where you designate
based on it's rules.

Procmail knows nothing of mutt and mutt could care less about procmail.

> >
> >The main thing is to try, RTFM, try, RTFM, try, ask questions.  This is
> >a very helpful list and the mutt doc's are among, if not the best in
> >linuxdom.
> Agreed about both the helpful list and good mutt docs.

Read, try, then ask more questions.  I learn also, because I have to
look at TFM to make sure that I am saying the correct thing in the
correct manner.  (I hope) <grin>

gud luk,

ps:  It is good manners (netiquette) to trim/quote only that which is
necessary to keep the conversation in context and to post in-line or at
the bottom of the quote.
Patrick Shanahan                        Registered Linux User #207535
http://wahoo.no-ip.org                        @ http://counter.li.org
HOG # US1244711           Photo Album:  http://wahoo.no-ip.org/photos