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Re: Hex encoded mailto: tags problem

On 10/06/04 21.30, Stephen Stocker wrote:
>   Hi,
>   I've been trying to get Mutt working as the mailer for Elinks, but
>   I've got something set up wrong. The problem is that addresses in the
>   mailto: URI on many mailing lists are hex-encoded, and that's what
>   Mutt puts in the "To:" field.
>   An example is:
>     <A 
> HREF="mailto:elinks-users%40linuxfromscratch.org?Subject=%5Belinks-users%5D%20Some%20subject&In-Reply-To=Pine.LNX.4.58.0406061016510.9927%40hdtl";
>        TITLE="[elinks-users] Some subject">somebody at somewhere.com
>        </A><BR>
>   So, when I hit the link to send a reply, the "To:" header in Mutt
>   appears as:
>   "elinks-users%2540linuxfromscratch.org@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" (My computer
>   name plus domain name).

Well, how about just wrapping mutt in a script? So instead of 'mutt
<addr>' you would have 'elinks-mutt <addr>'. Elinks-mutt would look
something like this:

  #!/usr/bin/env bash
  adr="$(echo $1|perl -pe 's/%(\d\d)/sprintf "%c", hex $1/eg')"
  exec mutt "$adr"

Note that only one address is handled, adding more is left as an
exercise to the reader.

also note that mutt takes '-s <subject>' as argument, so something

  if [ -n "$2" ]; then
    sub="-s \"$(echo $2|perl -pe 's/%(\d\d)/sprintf "%c", hex $1/eg; s/\"//')\""
  exec mutt $sub "$adr"

should handle optional subject as second argument. I hope this helps
you get started, but please make sure what you end up with works (try
from the commandline), I've not actually tested this.

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
                -- Albert Einstein

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