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Re: selective smart host/sendmail choice

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Alexy Khrabrov <braver@xxxxxxxxx> muttered:
> I run all my stuff off a dynamic IP, including sendmail.  Some sites
> block the dynamic IP range, most don't.  For those which do, I resend
> the mail using another sendmail program, with submit.cf configured to
> use a smart host which is not blacklisted.

Same here, but I use postfix with a different approach. The
corresponding relayhost is determined by the destination of the
message. f.e. taking part in mailing lists on sourceforge.net
requires a non-listed relayhost.

/etc/postfix/transport once spoke:
lists.sourceforge.net smtp:smtp.mybox.example.net

> Is there an easy way to resend such mail from mutt, i.e.
> selectively choose the sendmail program per post?

Yes of course, you can use hooks for that purpose. But why use a MUA
when it's a MTA's job?

I know that exim can be configured for exactly the case you mentioned
above. AFAIK it's not possible do to it with postfix out of the box,
but maybe there's a patch out by now. It's been some time I last
looked into that, the postfix mailing list will surely be of help :)
The bottom line is: Why not use a non-listed relayhost for all your
mail? Only one more hop, and be done with it.

That's what I'm using, and frankly, all this mess with blocking
dynamic IP ranges to catch the scum of the universe only hassles the
ordinary user, scum always finds means to circumvent ineffectual
measures taken against them. I mean, spam is still out there and I
haven't seen a considerable drop in numbers because of listing
dynamic IP ranges. Sadly.

- -- 
Bastard Administrator in $hell

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
