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Re: can ~/.signature deal more than one signature?

so spake bing yu [2004.06.05 @ 22:25]:
> hi, maybe this question is addressed quite often,but i still need help
> scince i can not find answer by google.
> usually in my .muttrc: set signature="fortune|"   but i want creat my own.

then you should either :

   1. write your own fortune alternative in a coding/scripting language
      of your choice and call it from mutt with:

       set signature="myrandomsiggenerator|"

   2. write your own fortune module and call it from mutt with:
       set signature="fortune mymod|"

note- the key part of these two alternatives are the first three words:
"write your own"

> 1. can i write a ./signature file in which there are more then one
> signature i can quote them in random order?  if so, how to seperate
> different ones in .signaure. And how to *set signautre* in .muttrc(
> i find this line by google:  set signature="cat ~/.signature && signify|" is 
> this right?) 

depends on what signify is.  if it's a script that does what you want,
go with it.  otherwise, WYO!  that's the great thing about
unix/linux/open source software.  they easily allow you to write your own
additions to (opti|custo)mize your computer-using experience...

> 2. is the any signautre like *fortune* that can output some ascii picture
> such as the following?
>  ("`-/")_.-'"``-._
>    . . `; -._    )-`'\  ,/`)
>    (v_,)'  _  )`-.\   `-'
>   _.- _..-_/ / ((.'
>  ((,.-'  ((,/

haha, whatever floats your boat, man...

this isn't a mutt question, but you can try "fortune ascii-art" or see
man fortune for more information.  google ascii art for more.

> 3. can i let my signature in ./signature have different color?  here i
> mean those who receive my mail on other mail client can see diffrent
> color like some HTML mail.

some emailers (including mutt) can read ANSI colors in mail messages
should you desire, but its use is not really wide-spread as (most mail
clients don't).  mutt, of course, will also not waste its time with html
mail.  if you'd like to send html emails|sigs with mutt, you should
check out the mime type 'multipart/alternative'.  i believe there's a
patch somewhere for mutt that allows for this... 

> -- 
> this is my signature (from ~/.signature)

this is mine:
//  ste\/e || 0x44288D05 //

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