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Re: How can I stop mutt asking me about "~/Mail"?

so spake Larry Alkoff [2004.05.26 @ 10:38]:
> Please PMFJI.

> I do NOT  have  ~/Mail directory set up.

> I do have MAIL=~/Mail in my environment.

why? does your MTA deliver your mail there?  check that your assumptions
of this variable are consistent with the manual:


    Type: path
    Default: “”

    If  your spool mailbox is in a non-default place where Mutt can-
    not find it, you can specify its location  with  this  variable.
    Mutt  will  automatically  set this variable to the value of the
    environment variable $MAIL if it is not set

> I also have 
> set folder=~\Mail in my /etc/mutt/muttrc 

s{\\}{/} ?
why do you have this set?  check if your assumptions of this variable
are consisitent with the manual:


      Type: path
      Default: “~/Mail”
      Specifies  the default location of your mailboxes.  ....

as you can see, you're telling mutt that'~/Mail' is functioning as two
separate entitities, which, unfortunately, are mutually exclusive.
say what you mean, not what you say. :)

> and nothing except source that file and color directives in ~/.muttrc.
> When I start Mutt, I get
> "/home/lba/Mail does not exist, create it (YES,n)
> I answer yes or just ENTER and a /home/lba/Mail directory is created as 
> expected.
> However Mutt says /home/lba/Mail is not a directory even though it exists 
> with permissions 700 and owner lba.

are you sure it says it's not a directory?  usually mutt says 'blah is
not a Mailbox', which means exactly that, the folder that mutt created
(~/Mail) is just that, a folder, not a mailbox.

> I've removed /home/lba/Mail several times and restarted Mutt with the above 
> results.
if you do the same exact thing multiple times on a computer, you should
get the same results, right? ;)

> Something is missing but I don't know what.
> Can anyone tell me what's wrong?
an understanding of the variables mbox, mbox_type, folder, and 
spoolfile should help you out.  

//  ste\/e || 0x44288D05 //

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