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non-interactive: keep mail in $record?

mutt-1.5.6i on FreeBSD 4.9

I submit quite a few Problem Reports to the FreeBSD GNATS with send-pr,
which by default pipes the report to sendmail -oi -t.

I'd like to swap in mutt so that I have the full text of the PRs
available locally (mail sometimes gets lost etc), but it would seem that
piping the message to "mutt -H -" doesn't leave the message in $record.
What should I do to achieve that effect?

On a related note: I found option handling and the whole non-interactive
use coverage in the manual (and the whole manpage) quite sucky, and
hereby make a public pledge to go through the source and submit patches
within the next two weeks if someone helps me with the problem described
above. :)

Roman Neuhauser

FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE-p2
10:17PM up 13:40, 7 users, load averages: 0.03, 0.10, 0.08