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Re: Regex when changing mailbox

Re: Javier Linares in <20040423133730.GB9540@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> For example, hit "c", write "qa" and go to "debian-lists-qa", or write
> "mu" and go to "devel-mutt". 

This doesn't really answer your question - anyway, some suggestions:
* make your folder names TAB-friendly, i.e. either put some unique
prefix at the beginning "mutt-something" or rename debian to
devel-debian, so that d<tab> expands to "devel-"
(if you get tired of typing 'c=' make that a macro)
* create symlinks to your most-visited folders
* use "mailboxes" and "c<space>" to switch folders

HTH, Christoph
Christoph Berg <cb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, http://www.df7cb.de/
Wohnheim D, 2405, Universität des Saarlandes, 0681/9657944