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Re: How do I get my <End> key to work?

On 2004-04-06 09:37:04 +0200, Nicolas Rachinsky wrote:
> * Andy Smith <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-04-06 05:24 +0000]:
> > Does anyone have any hints as to how I might get my <End> key to
> > work in Mutt?
> :exec what-key
> End is <F121> here. Strange.

No problem here in an xterm: I get <End>. But I'm using a personalized
terminfo. Make sure that kend is \E[4~, and that kslt doesn't steal
this sequence.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/> - 100%
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