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Re: zapping mailbox with new eMail

* Thomas Glanzmann <sithglan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-02-24 12:43 +0100]:
> I have many inboxes and sometimes I have new email in more than one.
> When pressing c mutt proposes to change in the next box with new eMail.
> Now what I want is to zap the proposes to change to new boxes using a
> buttion like tab.
> So when I have ne mail in .lists.uml, .lists.mutt-user, lists.blastwave
> and press c he proses =.lists.uml I press tab and he proposes
> .lists.mutt-user ... and so on till he propses .lists.uml again.

I'm not sure if I understand what you want, but have you tried
pressing <space>?
