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Neat WU-IMAPd Workaround :-)

As y'all know, getting _everything_ to work properly with WU-IMAPd isn't
possible, AFAIK.  At least one of the following requirements will fail:
1) You need to have spoolfile point to the inbox.
2) You need to have =INBOX (or some other nice version, rather than the full
 IMAP URL) displayed when you're viewing the inbox.
3) You need to have =folder (or some other nice version) displayed when you're
 viewing another folder.
4) You need to be able to type '?' after hitting 'c' and get a list of IMAP
 mailboxes (not a list of files in your home directory).

Until now, I just sacrificed #2, and didn't make a big deal of anything.
However, it just occurred to me to make a symlink from ~/mbox to
~/Mail/INBOX, so now I have the following settings in my muttrc instead:
set imap_user=dave
set folder=imap://mail.dave.tj/Mail
set spoolfile="=INBOX"
set tunnel="~/src/imapproxy/imapproxy"

...and everything works like a charm 8-)

HTH somebody out there,
 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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