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Re: Problems with alternates and certificate...

[Il 01/02/2004, alle 23:56] => Patrick Shanahan scrive:

> * Franco Vite <franco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [02-01-04 19:22]:
> > Hi all and sorry for my terrible english.
> > 
> > I've upgrade mutt to 1.5.6i. in the Changelog file i read the change
> > about gestion of alternates, but in the manual i don't understand where
> > and when and how to change my configuration.
> > 
> > Now I've:
> > 
> > set 
> > alternates='(franco@firenze\.linux\.it|epmovi@tin\.it|franco@softwarelibero\.it)'
> > 
> > but mutt go in error: "Errore in /home/franco/.muttrc, linea 146:
> > alternates: variabile sconosciuta" (unknow variable)
> The new code has changed some of the variables.  Change the line to:
> alternates 
> '(franco@firenze\.linux\.it|epmovi@tin\.it|franco@softwarelibero\.it)'
> with no 'set' and no '='
 now work fine.

 many many tnx! :))

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