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Recalculate Scores

Using Mutt 1.5.4i, I am experimenting with scores like this:

score '~F'      75        # flagged messages
score '~Q'     -50        # replied-to messages
score '~D'    -500        # deleted messages
score '~p'      80        # messages to me

score '~N'     500        # new messages
score '~O'     400        # old messages

It's working pretty well, although some of the values need tweaking.

Anyway, if I'm working for a long time in the one folder, then the
scores get incorrect.  Eg if I mark an old message as "NEW" again, or
read a new/old message, they don't change scores.   This would appear to
be a feature, rather than a bug, as I don't want my mailbox jumping
around every time I change the status of a message.

However, I'd like to have a way to re-calculate all the scores for the
mailbox I'm in, without having to exit it and come back to it.  I've
tried re-synchronising the mailbox with $ but it doesn't recalculate the
scores.  Very annoying IMHO.

I searched the fine manual but I can't find any way to recalculate.  Of
courses, my reading ain't great and I may have missed it.  How do I do
this?  And how could I get "$" and "x" to be the keys that mean "re-sync
mailbox, then re-calculate scores"?

: Usual state:  (e) None of the above.
: rb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx       http://tertius.net.au/~rb/
: Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a
: million typewriters, and Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare.
: -- Blair Houghton