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Setting tmpdir doesn't seem to work as I expected

In order to get the 'two browsers' viewing of HTML mail to work I need
to set the tmpdir variable in mutt as my GUI browser (mozilla) runs on
a remote system and displays on my desktop Sun using X.  Thus the
default /tmp directory isn't usable because /tmp is on a local disk
and is not the same place on the two machines.

The relevant lines in my mailcap file are:-

    text/html; mozj %s
    text/html; lynx -nocolor -cfg /usr/chris/lib/lynx.cfg -underscore 
-force_html -dump %s; copiousoutput

'mozj' is a script which launches mozilla on the remote system and it
does work if I say "mozj www.google.fr" on the command line.  The
above mailcap entries also do what I expect, with autoview in the
muttrc file I get lynx displaying the text of HTML mail automatically
as I want and if i hit 'v' mozilla gets launched. (Thanks to the
response to my previous question)

The problem is that the filename for the HTML file is wrong, I have
set tmpdir to /proj/chris/tmp which is a directory visible to both
machines.  Lynx still displays the text of the HTML correctly and says
the filename is /proj/chris/tmp/mutteUayix but mozilla says that this
file doesn't exist.  Mozilla is quite correct too, the file doesn't
exist.  Does the file get deleted again before mozilla gets to see it
or is there something else amiss?  How can I fix the problem?

Oh, this is Mutt 1.5.4i by the way.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)