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Re: ?? gpg: no default secret key: bad passphrase

On Wed Jan 21, 2004 at 06:12:30PM -0800, seberino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I create key with "gpg --gen-key" (or I think I did.)
> gpg: no default secret key: bad passphrase
> gpg: signing failed: bad passphrase
> Can someone please tell me what this means???

make sure that your new key is actually there:

$ gpg --list-keys

and make sure that in your .muttrc you are referencing the correct key ID for
all the gpg stuff.  If you somehow entered your passphrase incorrectly in
mutt, you can reset it with:

^F      forget-passphrase

jacob[at]buildtheb0x.com | 56DE 6C58 C961 BE57 4F1F  EA67 E7E1 BFDF 2106 0288
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