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"too few arguments" & odd display

hey folks,

Having accidentally messed about with my .muttrc when trying out the
muttrc-mode that came with the emacs-goodies-el (it didn't seem to
work so well!) I seem to have inadvertently introduced an error I
can't trace so well.  When I open up a mailbox, I get the messge "too
few arguments" in the bottom line of the screen (do we cal lthat the
minibuffer?), after which the mailbox loads up fine, but no longer
displays the index as I expect.  In particular, the sender's name is
no longer listed in the main column when the mail's been sent to a
list -- instead, I get "To List Name".  Oddly, if the mail is cc'ed to
the list, the sender's name is displayed; and when the mail is sent
directly to me, the sender's name is also displayed.  

Here's a sample from my debian mailbox:

 800 O L Jan 14 To debian-user@ (0.8K) mq>Re: OT: How to match a
 801 NsL Jan 15 To debian-user@ (1.0K)   mq>
 802 O   Jan 14 Rene Engelhard  (3.3K) CVS:oo-deb/debian
changelog,1.260,1.261 c
 803 O F Jan 14 To debian users (0.7K) enscript margins
 804   T Jan 14 Cc debian users (0.7K) mq>
 805 O F Jan 14 To debian users (0.5K) setting print command in xemacs
 806 O L Jan 14 To debian-user@ (  38) Re: Openoffice 1.1.0
 807 OsL Jan 14 To debian power (1.7K) Re: AirportExtreme on albook G4
 808 O L Jan 14 To debian-user@ (  23) Re: compiler error - Help

anyway, I've attached a version of my muttrc (with some sensitive
information removed) just in case it's illuminating.  

Thanks as always for your help,

#      ££     file : muttrc
#   __,ôô       by : MuttrcBuilder <http://mutt.netliberte.org>
#    \\,_O    date : Thu Jul 11, 2002 17:50:49
#    /~        for : pc09.hist.utoronto.ca []

# I am assuming that you have access to the mutt manual, which #
# comes with mutt. This is not the manual produced by typing   #
# 'man mutt' or 'man muttrc' (which arrived in mutt-1.2x and   #
# is great) but the longer document which explains in gory     #
# detail every setting. Sometimes I shall just say "the list   #
# of options is in there".                                     #
#                                                              #
# On my old (Red Hat Linux) system, it lived in the mutt       #
# directory in /usr/doc/ Newer versions of RH and Debian are   #
# moving to the new standard: /usr/share/doc/ .  Try both.     #
#                                                              #
# If you don't have it on your system, then you can find the   #
# online manual at the mutt website: http://www.mutt.org, and  #
# follow the links under 'Documentation'.                      #

#reset all

# try to get titles in mutt
source ~/.mutt/muttrc-$TERM
# gary johnson's display filter
set display_filter=~/.mutt/mail-to-filter

# User description ########################################################
set realname =" Matt Price"
#set reply_to = ask-yes
#set reverse_name = no
set reverse_realname = no
set from = matt.price@xxxxxxxxxxx
#set gecos_mask = "^[^,]*"
#set hidden_host = no
set hostname = utoronto.ca
# tell mutt what my mailing address is
#set alternates = ""
set alternates = "matt.price@xxxxxxxxxxx"
# mess with colors
#  best thing would be to modify this with folder-hook
# . for now, let it just flag messages from me
# to flag message st ome, use ~p in the regex
# color search brightyellow red
# color index white black '~p'

# folder-hook . 'color index white black \'~p|~P\''
folder-hook . 'color index white black'
folder-hook .IN_ 'color index red black \'~p|~P\''
folder-hook \.IN_family 'color index white black \'~p\''
# folder-hook "!" 'color index white black \'~p|~P\''
color index red black 'Michelle Murphy'
color index yellow black '~N'
color index magenta black '~O'
# color index color6 black '~D'
color index cyan black '~D'
# color index darkgrey black '~D'

# General mutt options ####################################################
set wait_key = no
#set weed = yes
#set status_on_top = no
#set suspend = yes
#set timeout = 600
#set beep = yes
#set user_agent = yes
#set delete_untag = yes
#set prompt_after = yes
set quit = yes
#set read_inc = 10
#set mail_check = 5
#set menu_scroll = no
#set meta_key = no
#set help = yes
#set history = 10
#set read_only = no
#set date_format = "!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z"
set delete = yes
#set dotlock_program = "/usr/local/bin//mutt_dotlock"
#set beep_new = no
set charset = "iso-8859-1"

#trying to allow reading of int'l charsets
#set charset="UTF-8"
set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:iso-8859-15"
#set use_8bitmime
set allow_8bit

#set check_new = yes

# OS Specifiques options ##################################################
#set tmpdir = ""
#set print = ask-no
#set print_command = "lp"
#set print_decode = yes
#set ispell = "ispell"
set locale = "en_US"
#set shell = ""
# change this for maildirs
#set spoolfile = ""
set spoolfile =~/Maildir/

# sorting stuff ###############################
set sort_browser=reverse-date
# Specifies how to sort entries in the file browser. By default, the
# entries are sorted alphabetically. Valid values:
# alpha (alphabetically)
# date
# size
# unsorted
# You may optionally use the reverse- prefix to specify reverse sorting
# order (example: set sort_browser=reverse-date).

# Menu index ##############################################################
#set wrap_search = yes
#set sort_re = yes
#set status_chars = "-*%A"
#set status_format = "-%r-Mutt: %f [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o? Old:%o?%?d? 
Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b?%?l? 
#set strict_threads = no
set thorough_search = yes
#set to_chars = " +TCF"
#set simple_search = "~f %s | ~s %s"
#set sort = date-sent
#set sort_aux = date-sent
#set resolve = yes

# note index_format is reset by folder-hooks later on
# set index_format = "%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s"

# I'd like to see the time, but can't right now
# here is my first attempt: 
# set index_format = "%4C %Z %d %-15.15L (%4l) %s %(fmt)"

# now try some examples from the web: 
#Examples #

# set index_format="%C %Z %-15.15t %-40.40s %e %D "
# set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s %e %?M?(#%03M)&(%4l)? %L"
#set index_format="%4C %Z %-21.21F (%3l) %s"
#set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %D} %-15.15L (%4l) %e %E %s"
# set folder_format="%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"
# set index_format="%4C %-11.11D %S %-21.21n (%3l) %s"

#set mark_old = yes
set allow_8bit = yes
#set arrow_cursor = no
#set ascii_chars = no
#set auto_tag = no
#set collapse_unread = yes
#set uncollapse_jump = no

# Internal Pager ##########################################################
#set visual = ""
#set sig_dashes = yes
#set smart_wrap = yes
#set smileys = "(>From )|(:[-^]?[][)(><}{|/DP])"
#set quote_regexp = "^([ \t]*[|>:}#])+"
#set pager = "builtin"
#set pager_context = 0
#set pager_format = "-%Z- %C/%m: %-20.20n   %s"
#set pager_index_lines = 0
#set pager_stop = no
#set markers = yes
#set escape = "~"
#set tilde = no

# Composing ###############################################################
#set use_domain = yes
#set signature = "~/.signature"
#set postpone = ask-yes
#set postponed = "~/postponed"
#set query_command = ""

# set query_command="lbdbq %s" # query tlr's little brothers database.
set query_command="/usr/bin/abook --mutt-query '%s'"  # how to query the 
address book
#set recall = ask-yes
# set editor="gnuclient  -nw || xemacs  -nw "
set editor = "/usr/local/scripts/xe -nw"
# set editor = "gnuclient -q -nw "
# set editor = "xemacs -nw"
#set fast_reply = no
#set abort_nosubject = ask-yes
#set abort_unmodified = yes
#set askbcc = no
#set askcc = no

# Replying ################################################################
#set post_indent_string = ""
#set reply_regexp = "^(re([\\[0-9\\]+])*|aw):[ \t]*"
#set reply_self = no
#set indent_string = "> "
#set in_reply_to = "%i; from %a on %{!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z}"
#set honor_followup_to = yes
#set ignore_list_reply_to = no
#set include = ask-yes
#set attribution = "On %d, %n wrote:"
#set bounce_delivered = yes

# Forwarding ##############################################################
#set forward_decrypt = yes
#set forward_decode = yes
#set forward_format = "[%a: %s]"
#set forward_quote = no

# Folder and Mailbox ######################################################
#set write_inc = 10
#set sort_browser = alpha
set record = /home/matt/Maildir/sent/
#set pipe_split = no
#set pipe_decode = no
set pipe_decode = yes
#set pipe_sep = "\n"
#set move = ask-no
#reset mask
#set mask = "!^\\.[^.]"
set mask = ""
#reset july 

#another change for maildirs
set mbox = ~/Maildir/
# change mailbox type to maildir
set mbox_type = Maildir
#set mh_purge = no
#set confirmappend = yes
#set confirmcreate = yes
#set copy = yes
#set default_hook = "~f %s !~P | (~P ~C %s)"
#set fcc_attach = yes
#set fcc_clear = no
#reset the oflder!!!
set folder =~/Maildir
#set folder_format = "%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"
#set force_name = no
# new mailboxes line for maildir 
unmailboxes *
# mailboxes /var/spool/mail/matt +/IN.soundtech +/IN.openoffice +/IN.debian 
+/xfce +IN.spip +IN.tomcat + IN.spip +IN.postgresql +IN.family +IN.mutt-users 
+dufferin.grove +IN.db.openoffice +mir + IN.moin-user +IN.Pessimism  
+IN.xml.openoffice +Carfreeday +spam-bogofilter

mailboxes  +   +.IN_mutt-users +.IN_debian  +.xfce +.IN_spip  =.IN_soundtech 
+.IN_openoffice +.IN_tomcat +.IN_spip +.IN_postgresql +.IN_family 
+.duffering-grove +.dufferin_grove +.IN_db_openoffice +.mir +.IN_moin-user 
+.IN_Pessimism  +.IN_xml_openoffice +.Carfreeday  =.dufferin-grove 
=.bibliography =.evilbitch =.mycroft  =.moin =.teaching =.immigration 

# finally got it to sorta work
# mailboxes /home/matt !  !.IN_soundtech !.IN_openoffice !.IN_debian  !.xfce 
!.IN_spip !.IN_tomcat !.IN_spip !.IN_postgresql !.IN_family !.IN_mutt-users 
!.dufferin_grove !.IN_db_openoffice !.mir !.IN_moin-user !.IN_Pessimism  
!.IN_xml_openoffice !.Carfreeday !.spam-bogofilter

# Headers #################################################################
#set hdrs = yes
#set header = no
set edit_headers = yes
#set autoedit = no
unignore date
ignore List-Id List-Archive 
ignore X-
ignore List-Post List-Help Resent-Sender Resent-Date

# Sending #################################################################
#set write_bcc = yes
#set use_from = yes
#set save_address = no
#set save_empty = yes
#set save_name = no
#set send_charset = ""
#set mix_entry_format = "%4n %c %-16s %a"
#set mixmaster = "mixmaster"
#set metoo = no
#set encode_from = no
#set envelope_from = no
#set followup_to = yes

# Alias ###################################################################
#set sort_alias = alias
#set reverse_alias = no
set alias_file = "~/.mutt-aliases"
#set alias_file = "~/.muttrc"
#set alias_format = "%4n %t %-10a   %r"
source ~/.mutt-aliases

# Attached documents ######################################################
#set attach_format = "%u%D%I %t%4n %T%.40d%> [%.7m/%.10M, %.6e%?C?,%C?, %s] "
#set attach_sep = "\n"
#set attach_split = yes

# MIME ####################################################################
#set rfc2047_parameters = no
#set mime_forward_rest = yes
#set message_format = "%s"
#set mailcap_path = ""
#set mailcap_sanitize = yes
#set mime_forward = no
#set mime_forward_decode = no
#set implicit_autoview = no

# Sendmail ################################################################
set use_8bitmime = yes
#set sendmail = "/usr/lib/sendmail -oem -oi"
#set sendmail_wait = 0
#set dsn_notify = ""
#set dsn_return = ""


#added by me to work on the lists part of this thing

# attempting to see html inline
auto_view text/html

# print using muttprint
set print_command="muttprint"

# Lists: 'lists' and 'subscribe'                               #
#                                                              #
# If you are not on any mailing lists, you can ignore this     #
# variable and its explanation completely and skip ahead.      #
#                                                              #
#                                                              #
#       'lists' changed. See belonw                            #
#                                                              #
# 'lists' used to mean "This is a list I know about and I an   #
# subscribed to". Now it only means half of that: "this is a   #
# list I know about". To add "...and I am subscribed to it",   #
# you want "subscribe".                                        #
#                                                              #
# It (and 'subscribe') is still entirely different from the    #
# mailboxes variable; and the names must be what the lists     #
# in question call themselves, not what you call them in your  #
# procmail rules or something.                                 #
#                                                              #

lists debian-user alsa-user linux-audio-users debian-java tomcat-user spip-dev 
spipaide mutt-user Agnula cups-general mir lists.indymedia.org Moin-user 
users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx debian-powerpc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xemacs-beta@xxxxxxxxxx debian-laptop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
debian-emacsen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mycroft@xxxxxxxxxx xfce@xxxxxxxx
subscribe debian-user alsa-user linux-audio-users debian-java tomcat-user 
spip-dev spipaide mutt-user Agnula Moin-user historiansagainstwar 
users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx debian-powerpc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

alias me matt.price@xxxxxxxxxxx
alias michelle michelle.murphy@xxxxxxxxxxx

# trying to get the display right
# trying to find a problem
# folder-hook . 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-18.18F (%4c) %s"
# folder-hook =sent_* 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-18.18t (%4c)%s"

# folders-pecific reply button
bind pager R reply
bind index R reply
folder-hook . "bind pager r reply"
folder-hook . "bind index r reply"
folder-hook .IN_mutt-users "bind pager r list-reply"
folder-hook .IN_mutt-users "bind index r list-reply"
folder-hook .IN_debian "bind pager r list-reply"
folder-hook .IN_debian "bind index r list-reply"

# get mutt to delete my old backup mails
folder-hook =backup$ 'push T~r>2w\n\;'

# Saving accoring to folder-hooks.                             #
#                                                              #
# There is a _much_ better way to do this if you want to save  #
# stuff based on which person sent it. It's the save-hook      #
# itself. Because I tend to save things depending on what      #
# _folder_ it's in, I use a folder-hook.                       #
#                                                              #
# Again, there's a default catch-all at the top (the dot)      #
#                                                              #
# The folder-hooks are very simplistic: the * matches          #
# everything in the folder!                                    #
#                                                              #
save-hook eli\.holmes +eli

folder-hook . save-hook .* =received
mbox-hook +IN.debian +debian
mbox-hook +IN.soundtech +soundtech
mbox-hook +IN.openoffice +openoffice

# display hooks from gary johnson's mutt page - modify htem sometime?
# display-hook ~A                                 'set pager="builtin"'
# display-hook '~f "bcringely@xxxxxxx"'           'set pager="w3m"'
# display-hook '~s "slashdot headlines"'          'set pager="w3m"'
# display-hook '~s "the register update"'         'set pager="w3m"'
# display-hook '~s "YOUR LINUX TODAY NEWSLETTER"' 'set pager="w3m"'

# actually doesn't work so well for PM - no links!
save-hook Abigail +Friends/Abigail
# message-hook '~s "PM"'                                'set pager="w3m"'
# message-hook '~s "Pessimism"'                 'set pager="w3m"'

# Expire most Debian lists after two weeks.
#  folder-hook 
=debian/(devel|policy|perl|boot|user|testing|mentors|qa|qa-packages)$ "push 
'<delete-pattern> ~d >2w\n'"
# my version of same
folder-hook =.IN.debian$ "push '<delete-pattern> ~d >2w\n'
# and for openoffice
folder-hook =.IN.openoffice$ "push '<delete-pattern> ~O  ~d >4w\n'
folder-hook =.IN.mutt-users$ "push '<delete-pattern> ~O  ~d >4w\n'
folder-hook =.IN_soundtech$ "push '<delete-pattern> ~O  ~d >4w\n'
folder-hook =backup$ 'push <delete-pattern> ~r>2w\n\;'             # 2 weeks
folder-hook =backup$ 'push T~r>2w\n\;'             # 2 weeks
save-hook eli\.holmes +eli

# custom key bindings
bind index x sync-mailbox
# bind generic x sync-mailbox

# switch return/space and up/down in pager
# bind pager <up> previous-line
# bind pager <down> next-line
# bind pager <return> next-undeleted
# bind pager <backspace> previous-undeleted

# defaults
 macro index \cb |urlview\n
 macro pager \cb |urlview\n

# lets me edit the muttrc and mutt-aliases without quitting

# macro   index   \et     "!/usr/local/scripts/xe -nw -l 
/home/matt/.xemacs/noautofill  ~/.mutt-aliases '\n:source ~/.muttrc\n"

macro   index   \ea     "!/usr/local/scripts/xe -nw  ~/.mutt-aliases \n:source 
macro   index   \em     "!/usr/local/scripts/xe -nw  ~/.muttrc\n:source 

# search for things using mairix
# macro index \eS "<shell-escape>mairix -v " "Run a Mairix Search"
#macro index \eS "<shell-escape>mairix -v \
#<shell-escape>xterm -e mutt -f /home/matt/Maildir/vfolder &" "Run a Mairix 
#macro index \eF "<change-folder>=../Maildir/vfolder/\n" "Switch to Mairix 
virtual folder"
# this works properly -- execute a trivial script to do the thing for one
# macro index \eM "<shell-escape>/usr/local/scripts/mymairix " "Run Mairix 
macro index \Cs "<shell-escape>/usr/local/scripts/mymairix " "Run Mairix Search"
macro index \eX "<shell-escape>/usr/local/scripts/mymairix " "Run Mairix Search"
# macro index \eX "<shell-escape>rm -f /home/matt/Maildir/vfolder/new/* 
/home/matt/Maildir/vfolder/cur/* && touch /home/matt/Maildir/vfolder" "emptying 
search folder"

# change to inbox whenever I want
macro index \Ci <change-folder>!<Return> "Change folder to inbox."
macro browser i <select-new><kill-line>!<Return> "Change folder to inbox."
# ditto for some other folders
# macro index \Cm <change-folder>=.IN_mutt-users<Return> "Change folder to 
macro browser m <select-new><kill-line>=.IN_mutt-users<Return> "Change folder 
to mutt."
macro index  \Cv <change-folder>=.evilbitch<Return> "Change folder to vicky."
# macro browser  v <select-new><kill-line>.evilbitch<Return> "Change folder to 
macro index \eD <change-folder>=.IN_debian<Return> "Change folder to inbox."
macro browser d <select-new><kill-line>>=.IN_debian<Return> "Change folder to 
macro index \eF <change-folder>=.IN_family<Return> "Change folder to inbox."
macro browser f <select-new><kill-line>>=.IN_family<Return> "Change folder to 

# to delete spam
macro index \ed "<enter-command>unset wait_key\n\
<pipe-entry>bogofilter -s\n\
<enter-command>unset wait_key\n\
<delete-message>" "delete message as spam"

# Add this to your ~/.muttrc to integrate spamassassin and mutt
# spamassassin report and classify as spam
# macro index S "|/usr/bin/spamassassin -r"
#how about instead, saving to uncaught-spam & running sa-learn
macro index S "s+uncaught-spam\n"
# spamassassin classify as ham
macro index H "|/usr/bin/sa-learn --ham  --no-rebuild --single"
# rebuild the spamassassin bayes filter db
macro index R "!/usr/bin/sa-learn --rebuild"

# here's a macro for subscribing and unsusbribing to lists
# macro pager \cU 

# macro to use abook as an aliasing tool
macro pager \eA |'abook --datafile ~/.abook/addressbook --add-email-quiet'
macro index  \eA  |'abook --datafile ~/.abook/addressbook --add-email-quiet'
macro index B    "<pipe-message>lbdb-fetchaddr\n"  # Store address details in 
# this is currently not working 
#macro index A \eA\na\nB

# these lines use the aobok-autoexport function, but it's annoying, 
# so I'm not using them for now
# macro index \ea "!abook-autoexport\n:source ~/.mutt-aliases\n" "Start abook"
# macro index \eA  "|abook-autoexport --add-email-quiet \n:source 
~/.mutt-aliases\n" # "Create new alias from the actual message"
# changed in feb2003
# macro index \cB |w3m\n "call w3m to extract URLs out of a message"
# macro pager \cB |w3m\n "call w3m to extract URLs out of a message"

# auto-view attachments - from gary johnson, feb3002
auto_view application/octet-stream
auto_view application/msword application/vnd.msword
auto_view application/excel application/ms-Excel application/msexcel
auto_view application/vnd.ms-excel application/x-excel
auto_view application/x-msexcel
auto_view application/vnd.ms-powerpoint application/x-mspowerpoint 
auto_view text/html
auto_view application/WordPerfect5.1  application/wpd
auto_view application/pdf
auto_view application/rtf
# auto_view image/pjpeg