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Inline HTML not processed properly

I'm getting email with these headers:

Content-Type: text/html
Content-Disposition: inline

Which just contains HTML - ie the first non-blank line of the  email is
<html>, the next one is <head> and so on ...

Is there any way that I could get mutt to recognize this as HTML and
convert it to text or do whatever it does with other HTML mail where the
HTML is an attachment - or alternatively, has anybody got a
procmail/mimetools script that will convert it to a
multipart/alternative type email?

Warm Regards,

Mutt Rocks!

The version I'm using is: 1.5.4i 
which I compiled myself but am using on a system based on the Debian
"unstable" line.  More details if required, but I doubt they are :)

: Usual state:  (e) None of the above.
: rb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx       http://tertius.net.au/~rb/
: Memory is like an orgasm.  It's a lot better if you don't have
: to fake it.  -- Seymour Cray (commenting on virtual memory)