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Re: mutt-users-digest V1 #1647

Well, since it is two separate mails, it is a relatively decent solution
as the BCC'ed user would be unable to just ignore as they would have to
manually re-insert the original non-BCC'ed recipients.  Thus also
helping to prevent mistakes.


  To: A, B, C
  Cc: D, E, F
  Bcc: G, H, I
  <Other Headers>

Would produce 2 mails:

  To: A, B, C
  Cc: D, E, F
  <Other Headers>


  Bcc: G, H, I
  <Other Headers>
  <BCC Disclaimer and most likely original To, and Cc>

A shortcut/option/configuration to do this in mutt, is what I believe
the original message in the thread is asking about.

I personally use BCC rarely and will often forget to separate the
addresses and create 2 different mails.  So I could see making use of
such an option as well.


On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 10:19:44PM -0000, mutt-users-digest wrote:
> Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 08:33:54 +0100
> From: "Andrei A. Voropaev" <avorop@xxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: Add banner to messages sent to Bcc'ed recipients?
> On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 11:55:12AM -0500, Eloy A. Paris wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 10:35:42AM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
> [...]
> > > I think if you have to worry about your blind copy recipients replying
> > > to the wrong people, you shouldn't by sending them blind copies of
> > > those messages.
> > 
> > I trust the people I send blind copies of my messages, and most of the
> > times, they are also very experienced users. It is just that people make
> > mistakes. This is not a matter of worrying about the trustworthiness of
> > people you Bcc, it's about preventing mistakes.
> > 
> > When I can't risk people making mistakes because the damage would be too
> > extensive or irreparable I send the original message to the non-Bcc'ed
> > people and then I forward the e-mail to the people I want to Bcc. But
> > this extra work, and I just wondered if there is a way of having Mutt
> > make this easier.
> Unfortunately you are right. People make mistakes. And they also tend
> not to notice or ignore special hints placed in the message body just
> like they don't notice that they are not in the To or CC field. So the
> solution you offer is not really a solution. It still requires
> receipients attention. Don't forget also that there are other languages
> than English out there. And not all receipients may understand what is
> that "blind copy" at the top of email.
> In the situation like this I don't do Bcc. I simply resend the message
> separately, using mutt's feature. And in that resent copy I can put any
> comments (and any addresses) I want.
> Andrei