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IMAP problem

I saw someone else ask this question in the archive, but i couldn't find
an answer to it, so I'll repost it.
I've got mutt setup to connect via imaps. When mutt starts up, it pulls
the certificate and presents it to me, asking if I want to accept it. I
have the options: (r)eject, accept (o)nce, (a)ccept always

If I choose (a) it saves the cert in .mutt/certs, says "SSL
connection using TLSv1/SSLv3 (DES-CBC3-SHA)" and then asks for my
password. I give it my password, and I'm in. No problem. Now if I quit 
mutt and then start again, it doesn't ask if I want to accept the 
certificate (this is expected, since I said to accept it always), it 
instead tells me we've got a SSL connection and then asks me for my 
password. Now, now matter how many times I type the right password, 
it wont let me in, I get authentication failures.

If I go and delete .mutt/certs, startup mutt, I can login
again. If I just accept the certificate once every time, then I can login, 
but I want to save the certificate and not have to answer that question 
every startup. This is the log of the Mailserver I'm talking to:

the first login, when i choose  (a)ccept always :
Nov 10 19:10:19 app1 imapsd[20748]: imaps SSL service init from
Nov 10 19:10:29 app1 imapsd[20748]: Login user=foo
host=RAS23-114.gwdg.de []
Nov 10 19:10:35 app1 imapsd[20748]: Logout user=foo
host=RAS23-114.gwdg.de []

The next time i try:
Nov 10 19:10:54 app1 imapsd[20749]: imaps SSL service init from

Mutt asks me for the password, but i get a authetification failed. 
These lines make me think the problem is somewhere around mutt or my
config .

The relevant lines of my config:
set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certs
mailboxes imaps://toedler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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