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Re: Message Body not Displaying


Am 2003-11-08 11:07:26, schrieb Phil!Gregory:
>I have an odd problem that I'm trying to sort out.  When I view an email
>from eBay, the message body does not appear in the pager.  In order to see
>the message body, I have to 'view attachments' and look at it there.

I am on eBay too and have no problems viewing there Messages...
I use 'html2text'. 

But why not configuring eBay to send only plain/text ???

Final Notiz of a won auction has around 22 kBytes as HTML 
and only 5,3 kBytes as TEXT. I have around 200 Auctions 
per month and I do not like to download som extra MBytes 
in my Maildir...

Oh yes, there are somtimes HTML_Tags which confusing html2text 
and will pause a while...


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