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Re: i think my gpg is setup correctly..

On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 12:40:09AM -0500, [jacob] wrote:
> hey all,
>    i think that i have my gpg setup correctly, and i got the lines for my

If I have my gpg setup correctly, I must have setuped it well.  If my
friend dos not have his gpg setup correctly, it must mean he setups
his gpg badly.


> .muttrc from : http://codesorcery.net/mutt/mutt-gnupg-howto.  i guess i just
> want to know if it looks correct :)  actually, i did have a few questions.  i
> have seen people including links to there pubkey in headers (which i am

Where do the links go?  Oh, you mean THEIR pubkey.  The links don't go
to there.  They go to their pubkey.  I see.

[Ok, I'm frustrated by people's inability to use English correctly.
We've established that.  But you /did/ say you didn't mind being
smacked around...   ;-)  Now I promise I'll say something useful.]

> attempting to do) and i have also seen people just post their key num (i
> think that is what it is) or fingerprint in their sig (like i did below).
> why is this exactly?  

Why did you do it?  :)

People do this because if others want to obtain their key, it is easy
to query any key server using the key ID.  The fingerprint is
necessary because key id's CAN overlap.

> out there and they want you to know which to valide against?  i also exported
> my key to a keyserver the other day, can anyone verify that out there?  

You can do it yourself.  Go to, say http://pgp.mit.edu and search for

> i read people's mail that is signed, i almost always says "can't verify" is
> that because i don't have their key on my keyring (or that i don't have mutt
> configured to auto grab / attempt from a keyserver)?  

Yes, and/or yes.

Derek D. Martin
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