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incorporating s/mime??

Hi good people,

Someone can figure out why I get this error??

155$ smime_keys add_p12 thawte.p12

NOTE: This will ask you for two passphrases:
       1. The passphrase you used for exporting
       2. The passphrase you wish to secure your private key with.

Enter Import Password:
MAC verified OK
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/local/bin/smime_keys line 961.

You may assign a label to this key, so you don't have to remember
the key ID. This has to be _one_ word (no whitespaces).

Enter label: wathingito
Error opening Certificate /2d8356f7.0
92154:error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission 
92154:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib:bss_file.c:261:
unable to load certificate
'/usr/local/bin/openssl x509 -in /2d8356f7.0 -inform PEM -fingerprint -noout' 
returned 256 at /usr/local/bin/smime_keys line
463, <STDIN> line 1.

I have a personal cert from thawte.


Odhiambo Washington   <wash@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  "The box said 'Requires
Wananchi Online Ltd.  www.wananchi.com      Windows 95, NT, or better,'
Tel: +254 2 313985-9  +254 2 313922         so I installed FreeBSD."   
GSM: +254 72 743223   +254 733 744121       This sig is McQ!  :-)

Schwiggle, n.:
        The amusing rotation of one's bottom while sharpening a
                -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"