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Re: Berufung Voss ./. T-Online (Vorratsspeicherung), Termin fuer Entscheidungsverkuendung

* Steffen Moser:

> Meinst Du hiermit "Malicious Call IDentification (MCID)" (also "Fangen") 
> oder ein anderes Merkmal?

Vermutlich. Zitat aus ETSI EN 300 130-1:

| 9.2.1          Normal operation
| To invoke the MCID supplementary service the called user shall send a
| mCIDRequest invoke component carried by a Facility information element
| in a FACILITY message according to the procedures of subclause
| of EN 300 196-1 [6].
| To indicate that the service has been accepted the network shall send
| a mCIDRequest return result component carried by a Facility
| information element in a FACILITY message according to the procedures
| of subclause of EN 300 196-1 [6].

Wenn ich das richtig sehe, wird die Rufnummer des Anrufers *nicht*

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