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[council] Latest RAA amendments

I have received a question from an ALAC member, and the answer might go a long way to understanding the current RAA situation.

The current version of the RAA amendment package includes two new changes, one of which provides contact information for registrars, the wording of which is widely felt to be inadequate since it could be a mail drop (or equivalent) and not the actual place of business.

The question is, if these last two changes have just been made, what is the inhibitor stopping additional changes to be made? The specific one in question here would:

"Registrars on their company Web sites must disclose the physical address of their business, including their headquarters office, and a reliable means to reach them by telephone and e-mail. Post office boxes and e-mail addresses are not sufficient."



It seems amendments are still being made. Could you ask staff and GNSO if they will accept the Consumer Reports standard Beau's proposing:

1. Identity:
Web sites should clearly disclose the physical location where they are produced, including an address, a telephone number or e-mail address. Sites should clearly disclose their ownership, private or public, naming their parent company.
Sites should clearly disclose their purpose and mission.


As someone who has investigated a number of mail-drop scam businesses, going the extra mile for physical location where the site is produced is necessary.
From: na-discuss-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [na-discuss-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Danny Younger [dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 5:18 PM
To: At-Large Worldwide
Cc: NA Discuss
Subject: [NA-Discuss] Latest RAA amendment

ICANN Staff is now throwing out last-minute sops in order to get the GNSO community to approve the RAA amendments as a package. The latest amendment added to the package is this:

3.16 Registrar shall provide on its web site its accurate contact details including valid email and mailing address.

Of course, this amendment still doesn't require the registrar to identify its primary place of business. The registrar could have its primary base of operations in India, yet work through a Delaware-based shell corporation that maintains a contact point at a Canadian mailboxes-r-us (which could serve as a valid email and mailing address).

Dozens of Registrars located internationally are using "mail-drop" addresses and post office boxes in the United States and Canada as primary addresses -- do we want to encourage this deceptive behavior? The proposed amendment does little to nothing to address the concerned raised by users on this topic.

Thanks to ICANN Staff for once more demonstrating that they will only give lip service to user concerns.

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