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Re: use current folder name as argument to abitrary command

* Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> [2009-05-31 01:41 -0500]:
> On 30May2009 22:20, David J. Weller-Fahy 
> <dave-lists-mutt-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> | #v+
> | folder-hook . 'push ":\\\`~/.mutt/listbox-to-email.pl\ 
> $my_folder\\\`<enter>"'
> | #v-
> |
> | I do not understand why the macro is required to force mutt to parse
> | that ""-quoted string, and now I'm wondering if there are any other
> | constructs which would allow the same level of parsing without defining
> | a macro... hrm.  Methinks I need to read more of the source, manual, and
> | wiki to understand, but that may have to wait until I get more
> | round-tuits.
> There are no macros in that command line. Hmm, there are macros in
> mine; I guess removing them is what you're after.

Yep, I probably should have been clear: It struck me as a waste to
generate a macro just so the string can be interpreted as a mutt-level
""-string.  I was just trying different things to remove the requirement
for a macro.  It just occurred to me, though, that you might want the
macro so you can re-use the command later?  Not sure, but either way I
figured it out.

> If you get your perl script to log command line arguments to a file,
> what does it show? Is it even run?

The Perl script didn't run, instead I would get the following.
`~/.mutt/listbox-to-email.pl: unknown command

I had also tried the following command:
folder-hook . 'push ":\`~/.mutt/listbox-to-email.pl\ $my_folder\`\\\<enter\\\>"'

Which resulted in the following being left on the mutt command line.
:`~/.mutt/listbox-to-email.pl =lists.mutt-users`\<enter\>

That should have given me the clue-bat you gave me below, as it
indicates the <enter> (had it worked) would have executed
`~/.mutt/listbox-to-email.pl =lists.mutt-users`, which is what I wanted
to happen.  Ahhhh... hindsight. ;)

> What if you change:
>   \\\`
> into plain
>   \`
> at the start and end?

As you suggested, I changed the \\\` to \`, and voilà!  It works without
the macro!  I can only plead tired-eye-rushing syndrome, as that's the
only way I should have missed trying all the possibilities instead of
skipping the one that worked.

For the record the following folder-hooks work to execute a script and
pass the current folder name as the script's first command line
folder-hook +lists* 'set my_oldrecord=$record; set record=^; set 
my_folder=$record; set record=$my_oldrecord'
folder-hook . 'push ":\`~/.mutt/listbox-to-email.pl\ $my_folder\`\<enter\>"'

Also, I'll attach my little Perl script, as someone might find it handy.

> | That is odd, but workable.
> That does seem a little odd, since mutt's ok with blank lines in the
> muttrc.

Yep... another code-dive for another time.  Good timing on the solution,
anyway, as my next semester starts tomorrow. ;)

dave [ please don't CC me ]