Sorting incoming mail by domain
I started with the idea I could configure mutt to accomplish the goal
I describe below, but I'm not sure I can.
I get mail from a mail server that receives mail sent to
brownh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I set up another mail sever to receive mail
for brownh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx As a result, mail coming to the address has a header that looks like this:
Envelope-to: brownh@localhost
Received: from localhost
([] ident=brownh)
by with esmtp (Exim 4.63)
X-Original-To: brownh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Delivered-To: brownh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Received: from []
by with POP3 (fetchmail-6.3.6)
for <brownh@localhost> (single-drop); ...
I retrieve mail with fetchmail, which I have poll both mail
servers. What I would like to do is to read mail from one server using
emacs-rmail and mail from the other server using mutt, with each blind
to the other's mail. Rmail uses as inbox ~/RMAIL, while mutt should
use ~/Mail/ for storing mail.
Haines Brown