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Re: folder-hook commands

* Michael Tatge schrieb:
> * On Tue, May 05, 2009 06:09PM +0200 Alex Huth (alex.huth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) 
> muttered:
> > folder-hook . set sort = reverse-date-received
> > folder-hook = freebsd-current source ~/.mutt/defaults.maillist
> better quote the argument
> folder-hook   . 'set sort = reverse-date-received'
> folder-hook   =freebsd-current 'source ~/.mutt/defaults.maillist'
>                ^ also note that there's a space in your quoted version
> HTH,
> Michael
> -- 
> BOFH excuse #233:
> TCP/IP UDP alarm threshold is set too low.
> PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC1A44DD
> Jabber:     init[0]@amessage.de

Have checked it now more then twice and added next row:

folder-hook . 'set sort=reverse-date-received'
folder-hook =freebsd-current 'set sort=threads'
folder-hook =freebsd-acpi 'source ~/.mutt/defaults.maillist'

Now i get the reverse sort as default, threads in freebsd-current and the
error "unknown command" for freebsd-acpi. It seems that "source xxxx" is the
problem. But if this is a unknown command in folder-hooks, how can i set
multiple values for a folder?
