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Re: Notification on new mails

[ Top post repaired. Please bottom post and trim quotes! ]

On 26Apr2009 23:35, Chengqi(Lars) Song <songcq@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| > On 26Apr2009 19:18, I wrote:
| > | Your rule becomes:
| > |   :0
| > |   * ^(Subject|From|To|Cc|Bcc):.*vip
| > |   {
| > |     :0whf
| > |     | announce-email ...
| > |     :0
| > |     $MAILDIR/inbox-vip
| > |   }
| > 
| > Sorry, that should be ":0hwc", not ":0hwf".
| Thanks, this should be enough for me.
| btw, what's the meaning of :0whc?

Please read "man procmailrc", in particular the section entitled
"Recipes". In short: w - wait, h - just headers, c -
Details in the man page.
Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743