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Re: Enhance mutt to recognize window resizing

On 2009-04-01, Jeffery Small <jeff@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Has there ever been any discussion regarding this issue?


> Other programs, such as the vim editor, can deal with the
> terminal window being resized while the program is running,
> but mutt is unforgiving.  Mutt recognizes the terminal size
> when started, but if you stretch or shorten the terminal
> height or width during a running session, then the display can
> get totally screwed up.

I've been using mutt for 10+ years, and resizing has always
worked fine for me under both Linux and Solaris, using both
slrn and ncurses.

> Couldn't mutt be made to respond to these size changes the
> same way vim does? It would make the program much more
> flexible.

That feature has been there since day 1.

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