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hook syntax (was: Multiple accounts (using Gmail))

On Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 01:54:26AM -0600, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> My point was that if you use some sort of hook for setting the From 
> header, you can use that same hook for changing whatever settings.

Ok, so I have this working to change my signature and from header when
replying to a message sent *to* my gmail account (regardless of which
folder the mail is in).

I'm not 100% clear on the syntax -- that is, when I have to quote (the
unmy_hdr line seems to work w/o the quotes where the set signature
requires the single quotes).

reply-hook . unmy_hdr From
reply-hook . 'set signature="echo Bill Moseley; echo moseley@xxxxxxxx|"'

reply-hook '~C test@xxxxxxxxx' \
        'my_hdr From: test@xxxxxxxxx; \
        set signature="echo Bill Moseley; echo test@xxxxxxxxx|"'

But, then I have a new problem:

reply-hook seems to override the folder-hook, right?
So this reply-hook takes precedence over the folder-hook.

reply-hook . 'set signature="echo Bill Moseley.; echo moseley@xxxxxxxx|"'

folder-hook =lists.mutt 'set signature=$HOME/.signature_mutt'

How can I have a signature take precedence over the reply-hook
when in the mutt folder?

Do I have to nest the reply-hook inside a folder-hook?  And if so, can
someone provide an example of they syntax?


Bill Moseley