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Re: newbie install

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 03:58:52PM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 22Feb2009 10:45, James Freer <jessejazza@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> | I've just been looking at mozex. the "xterm -e vim %t" that one enters
> | for the editor leaves one with a small font. I hoped "xterm -fs 16 -e
> | vim %t" might improve things. How can one get over this?
> The best way is to edit your .Xdefaults file to add suitable defaults
> for the XTerm client. Mine includes:
>   XTerm*boldFont: 5x8
>   XTerm*font: 5x8
> which I'm sure you'll find too small. See "man xterm" for the extensive
> list of available settings.
.... but xterm is pretty horrible compared with alternatives nowadays.

For a basic (but better) xterm use rxvt, smaller and does everything
just as well.  For soemthing that integrates into your/my environment
use gnome-terminal or xfce4-terminal or whatever the equivalent is for
you.  These all (IMHO) look nicer than xterm, they all use the same
innards basically (well, gnome-terminal and xfce4-terminal do) and
they're actually very lightweight because multiple instances all use
the same process (or soemthing like that).  OK, one instance will use
more resource than rxvt but ten terminals will use less than ten rxvts.

Chris Green