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Re: Can I configure a mailbox alias?

On 2009-02-12, Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thursday, February 12 at 04:41 PM, quoth Grant Edwards:
>>Google found me plenty of info about setting up aliases for
>>email addresses, but nothing about setting up aliases for
>>mailboxes.  For example, is there a way I can refer to
>>"=[Gmail]/Sent Mail" by an alias such as "sent"?
> There isn't a straightforward way of setting up *arbitrary* aliases, 
> unfortunately.
> There *ARE* a limited number of pre-defined aliases. You're already 
> using one: = to mean $folder. The character < means $record, which is 
> usually where people store their sent messages.

Which, in my case, is the mailbox I used for my example.  The
gmail "sent mail" folder is the one for which I most often wish
a shortcut, so =< will solve most of the problem for me.

> There are others (see http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.html#shortcuts).

Thanks, I had missed that section when searching through the

> The rather *roundabout* way of setting up arbitrary aliases is
> to use the @alias notation, and define a few email aliases to
> get just the names you want. It's not optimal, obviously, but
> you should be able to use that to define "@sent" to be an
> alias for "=[Gmail]/Sent Mail" like so:
>      alias sent 12345678901234567890@localhost
>      send-hook 12345678901234567890@localhost "=[Gmail]/Sent Mail"

Interesting!  It would have taken me a while to come up with
that.  I may give it a try for some other clumsily named

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Somewhere in Tenafly,
                                  at               New Jersey, a chiropractor
                               visi.com            is viewing "Leave it to