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Re: Multiple emails flag as read

On 9 Feb 2009 08:46 -0500, by vadud3@xxxxxxxxx (Asif Iqbal):
> How do I flag multiple emails as read? Lets say I have mail number 1,
> 7 and 15 that I like to flag as read without actually
> reading it. How do I go by doing it?

Tag the messages, then use <tag-prefix> (bound to ; by default) to
apply the <clear-flag>N command to all messages at once.

There is an option to let you apply commands to the set of tagged
messages by default as well, but I don't remember exactly what it is
called. auto_tag or something like that, RTFM if you want to.

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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