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Re: Signature for new mail/no signature for replies

* Michael Williams on Thursday, February 05, 2009 at 18:15:27 +0000
> I would like to append my signature to new emails (essentially those I  
> start by hitting 'm' in the pager or message view) but do not want a  
> signature  for replies (either individual, group, or list replies).
> I know how to unset signature with a reply hook, but I can't figure out 
> how to (re)set it at the right time for new messages. send-hook does not 
> seem to be the one I want, and remapping the 'm' key seems a little 
> cludgy.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?

Does the following work? I haven't time to test, sorry.

message-hook ~A "set signature=~/.signature"
reply-hook ~A "set signature=''"

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